Sunday, January 1, 2012

Girls’ Generation Without High Heels Attracts Attention

Pictures of Girls’ Generation members without high-heels has became an issue online.

Recently, pictures titled, “Girls’ Generation civilian force, the importance of high-heels” were posted in an online community board.

In the revealed picture, it shows a performance that Girls’ Generation performed in the past at a baseball field with checkered shirts and roll-up jeans. In contrast with the recent girl groups with their dizzying high-heels, Girls’ Generation is drawing attention to their sneakers and showing the attractiveness of a “So-nyuh”, just like their group name.

People who saw this had varying comments, saying, “They are totally ‘So-nyuhs’ without their heels”,”Their proportions changed drastically”, “They’re petite and cute”, “The reason that the girl groups cannot let go of high-heels”.

Girls’ Generation is expected to end 2011 by performing on all three broadcasting stations’ year-end music programs with “The Boys” and “MR.TAXI”.

Source: Fnnews
Edited by: LetsGo@soshified, MoonSoshi9@soshified
Contributors: minigiglo@soshified,

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